Solar Stuff, Mercury Matters and More ~ 7 March 2012

To follow up on the data of the newly announced, most far-reaching body in our solar system, several adjustments to the data have occurred since last week. As a result, the orbit of 2012 DR30 expanded slightly, now taking 36,671.21 years for one leisurely sashay around the Sun. What a stretch!

Back at the center of it all and just in case the pre-Spring Fever, pre-Fall Fever urges seem a little stronger than normal, there’s a reason. Within the past day and a half, the Sun has been particularly active, shooting two major bursts into space. Today and tomorrow, we’ll be feeling the impact of these strong coronal mass ejections, complete with the usual effects. You know, mind and body out of synch, increased agitation, extra-impulsiveness, a potential for lethargy, and a definite need to stay centered and grounded. If it has been feeling like that, you know why. Those ions out there pack a little extra edge.

Now, I was planning to write about the next influence over the weekend, but feeling the push of the solar shock waves, now must be the time to issue a Mercury retrograde reminder. Starting March 12 (again, depending upon where in the world you are... with Mars retro in Virgo the urge to point out technicalities might mire messages) and through April 4th, Mercury does its next retrograde thing.

Mercury’s already been given us some extra noise. Just two days ago, Mercury aligned with Uranus, putting a verbal stir in the air and starting a trend that lasts until April 22nd. That’s when Mercury and Uranus align for the last time in this conjunction cycle. And when they do, they’ll reach out to Pluto for some added intensity and passion. Sounds fun if you’re intending to advance ideas that are really “out of the box” and come from a position of experience instead of speculative reckoning. Just wait, during the next weeks not only will the political vitriol increase in campaign politics and about global atrocities and nuclear devices, some folks riding the thought waves out to the dimensions of 2012 DR30 might come up with ideas no one’s ever thought of before. We can hope.

Regardless, Mercury retrograde is Mercury retrograde and the reputation precedes itself. Add Mars retrograde and thinking and enacting important projects might endure delays, derailing and/or fearful procrastination. As a point of mitigation, Mercury aligns with the Earth and Sun in the middle of every retrograde cycle. This time, it happens on March 21st, more or less coincident with the seasonal shift. This day offers diplomatic immunity to ideas advanced, projects stated or started and intentions fully applied. Yes, you can use this day... and this day only... like a one day sale... to get going while the getting is good.

Of course, keeping in mind the edginess of the solar emanations, the Uranus-Mercury spin on things and the fact the easy to incite goddess, Ceres, rapidly approaches a conjunction with Eris, goddess of discord and sensitivity to exclusion/inclusion, an appeal for rationality and sanity in the upcoming weeks seems like a grand idea. Consider that on March 17th we have Saint Patrick’s Day, for what that adds, followed by Mercury conjunct Uranus on the 18th, followed by Ceres conjunct Eris on the 19th, followed by Mercury aligned with the Sun and the Earth on March 21st. When spring springs and when fall falls, it seems like it will make an interesting noise.

Hopefully the noise will be that of gears shifting, consciousness rising, evolution turning and things calming down. That will require some sensibility on the part of pretty much everyone. There’s no need to allow knee-jerk, hair-trigger reactions to dominate. Maybe when others disagree, they didn’t get what you meant. Perhaps they need more information. And it’s possible they were whisking their way by something that requires more attention.

This morning on a writer’s blog I encountered a writing rule - which is, in fact, rooted in the archetypes of Mercury - that I’ve long known. It was nice to run into it again. A screenwriter was lamenting - one of this writer’s favorite pastimes, it seems - that the person reading his screenplay could not figure out where it took place, though it was clearly stated twice. Another writer - an extremely good writer - reiterated the motif rule in screenwriting. If you want people to get it, state it three times clearly. That’s not nagging. That’s the effort to ensure cogent response to an idea that is put out into the collective or stated to another individual or is a point you’d like the audience to realize in a movie.

There’s a reason for this rule. Mercury spins rather slowly on its axis. In fact, in order for both sides of Mercury to see the light of the Sun, Mercury must orbit the Sun three times.

So in the days, leading up through the next fortnight, apply a proper chill ratio, stay grounded, work your ideas into crystal clarity before stating - and thus reducing vitriol - and work your motif thrice.

More soon as the Sun, planet transits or new revelations demand.